E-Posters: Kidney
Sunday September 22, 2024 from 21:00 to 22:00
  • P.343 (441.3 in the journal) Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter-2 Inhibition Vs. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibition in Diabetic Kidney Transplant Recipients: single center experience
    Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
  • P.016 A comparative analysis of kidney transplantation outcomes in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with disease flare vs. non-flare groups
    Dr. Jin-Myung Kim, Korea
  • P.273a (320.15 in the journal) Recurrence Of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Among Kidney Transplant Recipients: Kuwait Experience
    Dr. Ahmed A. Denewar, Kuwait
  • P.017 Comparison of ABO-incompatible kidney transplant outcomes between robot-assisted and open techniques
    Dr. Jin-Myung Kim, Korea
  • P.023 Comparative outcomes of simultaneous versus staged nephrectomy in polycystic kidney disease patients undergoing kidney transplantation
    Mr. Pedro H. Oliveira Sr., Brazil
  • P.024 Impact of diabetic donor kidneys on long-term outcomes in kidney transplant recipients: a propensity score matching analysis
    Mr. Pedro H. Oliveira Sr., Brazil
  • P.035 Longitudinal change patterns in estimated glomerular filtration rate in a European population of living kidney donors
    Dr. Manuela B Almeida, Portugal
  • P.060 Deletion of β-catenin in macrophages alleviates transplanted renal interstitial fibrosis by inhibiting pericyte-to-myofibroblast transformation
    Prof. Zijie Wang, People's Republic of China
  • P.064 Establishment and clinical application of immune risk stratification criteria for kidney transplant recipients
    Prof. Puxun Tian, People's Republic of China
  • P.065 Evaluation of the therapeutic effects of argon inhalation in a renal transplantation model using MHC-inbred CLAWN miniature swine
    Hisashi Sahara, Japan
  • P.067 Gender disparity in kidney transplantation in Mongolia an analysis of the ASTREG WIT KT registry
    Dr. Lkhaakhuu L Od-Erdene Od, Mongolia
  • P.070 Immediate results of kidney transplantation from ABO-incompatible donors
    Dr. Nigina B Elmuradova, Uzbekistan
  • P.115 Human Leukocyte Antigen Distribution Among Kidney Transplant Donors and Recipients: Data from Central Indian Region
    Dr. Amit S Pasari, India
  • P.116 Kidney Transplantation in Patients with Complement Gene Mutations: A Single-Centre Experience from Central India
    Dr. Amit S Pasari, India
  • P.121 To evaluate the outcomes of right sided laparoscopic donor nephrectomy in Pakistani kidney donors
    Dr. Abdul Khalique, Pakistan
  • P.126 Recurrence of AA amyloidosis in kidney transplant recipients
    Dr. Aygul Celtik, Turkey
  • P.134 Assessment Of Tacrolimus-Based Vs. Cyclosporine-Based Maintenance Immunosuppressive Regimens Among Living Donor Kidney Transplant Recipients With Low Immunological Risk: Single Centre Experience.
    Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
  • P.135 Comparison between Tacrolimus-based and cyclosporine-based maintenance immunosuppressive regimens in kidney transplant recipients with functioning grafts beyond 15 years
    Dr. Osama Gheith, Egypt
  • P.140 Urinary tract infection graft outcomes in kidney transplanted patient in Mongolia
    Dr. Khishgee Tseren, Mongolia
  • P.141 Renal vascular disparities among kidney donors, a reterospective study
    Dr. Muhammad Tassaduq Khan, Pakistan
  • P.145 Mortality risk factors and survival outcomes of patients on the kidney transplant waiting list in Tunisia
    Prof. Mohamed Mongi Bacha, Tunisia
  • P.146 Access to kidney transplantation for patients on the deceased donor waiting list in Tunisia: a single-center study
    Prof. Mohamed Mongi Bacha, Tunisia
  • P.147 Impact of the 2011 Tunisian revolution on kidney transplantation accessibility from waiting list: a single center study
    Prof. Mohamed Mongi Bacha, Tunisia
  • P.157 ABO i Kidney Transplant
    Dr. Ishthiaque Ahamed, United Arab Emirates
  • P.158 A comparative study of early versus late initiation of renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury due to snake envenomation and its impact on short-term and long-term outcome of the kidney function
    Dr. Kaushik Mondal Sr., India
  • P.159 Clinical profile of acute kidney injury after heart transplant
    Dr. Aswin Raj, India
  • P.160 Single-cell Transcriptomics Reveals that Ccl6/Ccr2 Pathway Induce Migration and M2 Polarization among Macrophages in Acute Kidney Injury
    Dr. Jiayu Wang, People's Republic of China
  • P.162 Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma Gondii in kidney transplant patients
    Dr. Sanaz Dehghani, Iran
  • P.163 Long-term graft survival in a kidney transplant recipient with glioblastoma: Case Report
    Dr. Sanaz Dehghani, Iran
  • P.164 Comparable graft survival of re-transplantation in elderly kidney recipients in regard to rejection
    Dr. Hanbi Lee, Korea
  • P.165 Challenges and Opportunities: Early Outcomes of Elderly Renal Transplant Recipients
    Dr. Alex Rogers, United States
  • P.166 Outcomes of kidney transplantation in older recipients: Is age just a number?
    Dr. Vikrant Thakur, United Kingdom
  • P.169 Renal re-transplantation: An ideal treatment for primary allograft failure
    Dr. Negin Khosroabadi, Iran
  • P.170 Single center experience in clinical and laboratory features of geriatric transplantations
    Dr. Funda Salgur, Turkey
  • P.172 A study of living donor renal transplantation with inconsistent flow cytocross-match (FCXM) and preformed donor-specific antibodies (DSA)
    Dr. Osamu Konno, Japan
  • P.173 The impact of post-transplant non-HLA antibody burden on the occurrence of antibody-mediated rejection and graft loss in non-sensitized pediatric kidney recipients
    Dr. Stella Muscianisi, Italy
  • P.175 Correlation of early graft dysfunction and baseline doppler ultrasound result
    Dr. Paolo Angelo R. Igama, Philippines
  • P.176 PRES as a post-kidney transplant risk: Importance of blood pressure and immunosuppression management
    Dr. Elvana Rista, Albania
  • P.178 Immunologic risk stratification of kidney transplant recipients by combining HLA-eplet MM and PIRCHE-II
    Dr. Dongryeol Lee, Korea
  • P.179 ‘Epitope matching’, the must addition in pre-transplant algorithm
    Ms. Dhanashree Shirish Rahalkar, India
  • P.180 Results of CDC-XM and FCXM cross-match in highly sensitized patients with CKD
    Dr. Aida Turganbekova, Kazakhstan
  • P.181 A program of pre-emptive kidney retransplantation from deseased donors
    Dr. Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
  • P.182 Real world bioequivalence of prolonged release formulations of tacrolimus in renal transplant recipients. Is a determination needed before switching among them?
    Dr. Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
  • P.183 Comparison of kidney transplantation outcomes from deceased kidney donors with and without history of cardiac arrest
    Dr. Brendon C Cajilla, Philippines
  • P.184 Evaluation of 4 different initial doses of envarsus in renal transplant recipients de novo. Is there overdose?
    Dr. Antonio Franco Esteve, Spain
  • P.185 Urological complications following the use of a modified ureteral reimplantation technique in kidney transplantation
    Marina M Tabbara, United States
  • P.186 Vascular complications after kidney transplantation when performing the renal artery anastomosis first
    Marina M Tabbara, United States
  • P.187 Other (non-urologic and non-vascular) surgical complications after a modified kidney transplant surgical technique
    Marina M Tabbara, United States
  • P.188 The use of robotically procured living donor kidneys for transplantation in pediatric patients
    Marina M Tabbara, United States
  • P.189 Comparative study of outcome between deceased donor kidney transplantation using standard criteria vs expanded criteria donors: An experience from a single centre in Sri Lanka
    Dr. Lasantha Niroshan Seneviratne, Sri Lanka
  • P.190 Impact of Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI) Scores on Post-Transplant Clinical outcomes in King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh (Single Centre Study)
    Dr. Yaser Shah, Saudi Arabia
  • P.191 The outcomes of the deceased donor kidney transplantation using extended criteria donor
    Dr. Ju Ik Moon, Korea
  • P.192 Infection and cancer screening in potential living donors: Best practices to protect the donor and recipient
    Dr. Bassam Saeed, Syrian Arab Republic
  • P.194 Pediatric kidney transplantation in under-resourced country: A single center experience
    Prof. Hala Wannous, Syrian Arab Republic
  • P.195 The association of phase angle with in-hospital complication after laparoscopic living-donor hepatectomy
    Prof. Gaabsoo Kim, Korea
  • P.197 Patient’s death with a functioning graft (DWF) from infection is a major cause of renal transplant loss – A retrospective study from a single center
    Dr. Sanket Patel, India
  • P.198 Comparison of short term outcomes with and without induction therapy in low risk renal transplant recipients
    Dr. Sanket Patel, India
  • P.199 A cross sectional study of the medium term outcomes in living donor renal transplant recipients developing ATN in the immediate post transplant period
    Dr. Sharmila Thukral, India
  • P.200 Impact of single center kidney Exchange transplantation to increase living donor pool in India: A cohort study
    Dr. Hari Shankar Meshram, India
  • P.201 Paired kidney donation transplant - a 10 year experience from a single centre in northern India
    Dr. Rajat Mangal, India
  • P.202 Comparison of renal volumetry and histological features between standard and marginal donors
    Dr. Shunta Hori, Japan
  • P.204 Laparoscopic hand-assisted donor heminephrectomy in living donor with horseshoe kidney with non-touch technique
    Dr. Islam Madadov, Kazakhstan
  • P.205 The Kidney Donors with Nephrolithiasis: Is It Safe?
    Dr. Emre Arpali, United States
  • P.206 The reasons for potential donor ineligibility in living donor kidney transplants at the Libyan transplant Authority. A Retrospective single centre cohort study.
    Prof. Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya
  • P.208a (341.6 in Journal) Insights into kidney paired donation in Brazil: Unveiling donors perspectives
    Dr. Gustavo Ferreira, Brazil
  • P.209 One year pathological and clinical outcomes of recipients of donor exchange kidneys
    Dr. Lillian Gaber, United States
  • P.210 Results of more than 1400 kidney transplants from a living related donor performed at the State Institution "RSSPMCS named after Academician V.Vakhidov", Uzbekistan
    Dr. Dildora Nodirovna Komilova, Uzbekistan
  • P.213 Barriers to kidney transplantation: Single centre experience
    Dr. Monisha Simon, India
  • P.221 A rare Case of Kaposi-Juliusberg’s Syndrome in a kidney transplant patient
    Dr. Rihem DAHMANE, Tunisia
  • P.224 Comparison of Higher Alternative Health Eating Index-Taiwan Scores and Lipid Profiles in Long Term Follow-up Renal Transplant Recipients in Taiwan
    Ms. I-Hsin Tseng, Taiwan
  • P.225 New-onset diabetes after transplantation (nodat) and glucose Metabolism in at-risk patients receiving cyclosporine versus tacrolimus: a randomised controlled trial
    Dr. Neeraj Jain, India
  • P.226 Coronary artery disease assessment using Tc-99m MIBI gated myocardial perfusion scintigraphy prior to kidney transplantation
    Dr. Ayse Aktas, Turkey
  • P.227 Clinical features and outcomes of 20-year kidney transplant survivors
    Dr. Takuzo Fujiwara, Japan
  • P.228 The Immediate Outcome of kidney donors at PKLI, a single center experiene.
    Prof. Saeed Akhter, Pakistan
  • P.229 Case series of multiple myeloma and kidney transplant outcome: Clinical characteristics and long-term follow-up
    Dr. Hon Shen Png, Canada
  • P.230 Outcome of delayed graft function and slow graft function in renal transplant recipients in a tertiary care Centre in eastern India
    Dr. Sourav Sadhukhan, India
  • P.231 Anticoagulant and antiplatelet use in renal transplantation: Is perioperative blood loss and transfusion rates a significant concern?
    Mr. John T Black, United Kingdom
  • P.233 Short-Term Outcomes with No Tapering Tacrolimus to Belatacept Conversion in Renal Transplant Recipients (RTR)
    Dr. Adela D. Mattiazzi, United States
  • P.234 Renal transplantation provides a quality of life benefit in the over 70s
    Miss Joanne Devlin, United Kingdom
  • P.235 Kidney Transplant (KTx) in Jehovah’s Witnesses: ethical implications, management proposal from a single center experience and review of literature
    Dr. Marika Morabito, Italy
  • P.237 Association between estimated glomerular filtration rates at initiation of dialysis and all-cause mortality in kidney transplant recipients with a failing kidney allograft
    Dr. Dharshana Sabanayagam, Australia
  • P.238 Nephrotic syndrome early post kidney transplantation - rare manifestation of acute rejection
    Dr. Ritesh Kauntia, India
  • P.239 Acceptable graft volume and recipient physique ratio in kidney transplant
    Dr. Takayoshi Yokoyama, Japan
  • P.240 Advanced chronic kidney disease in kidney transplant recipients: A national cross-sectional cohort study
    Mr. Bojan Medved, Slovenia
  • P.241 Monocyte to lymphocyte ratio and tacrolimus levels at 2 weeks after kidney transplantation as predictors of mortality among kidney transplant recipients at Dr Sardjito hospital, Indonesia
    Dr. Siti Nur Rohmah, Indonesia
  • P.242 Beyond barriers: Navigating the transplant terrain with pre transplant DSA using low dose desensitisation protocol in live donor renal transplantation.
    Dr. Syeda Hurmath, India
  • P.243 Kidney transplantation outcomes among patients with multiple myeloma – systematic review of case reports and case series
    Dr. Hon Shen Png, Canada
  • P.244 Retrospective comparative analysis of short term outcome of induction agent in kidney transplantation: Thymoglobulin vs Grafalon
    Dr. Ritesh Kauntia, India
  • P.245 Challenges and outcomes with kidney re-transplantation
    Dr. Shyam Bansal MD,DM, India
  • P.247 Impact of age difference between donor and recipient in renal transplantation
    Dr. Ji Yoon Choi, Korea
  • P.254 Outcomes of liver transplantations in patients with alagille syndrome with high pulmonary arterial pressure performed in our center
    Dr. Adem Safak, Turkey
  • P.255 Is oral glucose tolerance test useful in workup for kidney transplantation? To OGTT or not to OGTT?
    Prof. Lada Zibar, Croatia
  • P.256 Improved prognosis in renal transplant recipients by cancer screening
    Dr. Yoichi Kakuta, Japan
  • P.257 Advances in dialysis treatment may improve kidney transplant outcomes
    Dr. Yoichi Kakuta, Japan
  • P.258 Effective financial preparedness for kidney and pancreas transplant patients
    Dr. Martin Mai, United States
  • P.259 Late antibody-mediated rejection with inferior allograft prognosis compared with early rejection: A single-center study
    Dr. Jinghong Tan, People's Republic of China
  • P.260 Impact of pre-operative haemodialysis on transplanted kidney function
    Mr. Grigorios Voulalas, United Kingdom
  • P.261 Serum symphony: harmonizing renal transplants in Argentina
    Manuel E. Quirno Costa, Argentina
  • P.265 Reconsidering the impacts of morbid obesity on kidney transplantation in the age of robotic-assisted kidney transplantation
    Dr. Steven A Wisel, United States
  • P.266 Characteristics of patients started on dialysis after loss of kidney function
    Mr. Efstratios Kasimatis, Greece
  • P.269 Immunoadsorption is efficient in patients who failed to respond to plasma exchange and rituximab for treatment of recurrent FSGS
    Prof. Nikolina Bašić Jukić, Croatia
  • P.270 Oral pH-modified release budesonide for preventing recurrence of IgA nephropathy in kidney transplant recipients: A single center experience
    Dr. Bogdan Marian Sorohan, Romania
  • P.271 Are the recurrent glomerulonephritis (RGN) a negative factor for the long term renal transplant outcome?
    Dr. Maria del Carmen Rial, Argentina
  • P.273 Recurrence of cryocrystalglobulinemia after kidney transplant: Case report
    Dr. Wanda Rojas, Argentina
  • P.274 Histopathological insights and clinical implications of renal allograft biopsies: A comprehensive retrospective analysis from a single-centre study in central India
    Dr. Pranjal Kashiv, India
  • P.277 The relationship between rebound thymic hyperplasia and the risk of rejection in renal transplantation patients
    Dr. Burak Yagdiran, Turkey
  • P.278 Renal vein extension using polyester vascular graft in living donor related renal transplantation a safe and effective technique
    Dr. Jestha Marie Bernadette P. de Vera, Philippines
  • P.280 Comparative analysis of 2- and 3-dimensional laparoscopic donor nephrectomy
    Mr. Myltykbay Rysmakhanov, Kazakhstan
  • P.281 When two may be better than one; a tale of two extremes in kidney transplant. Initial report from a ‘new’ deceased donor transplant programme in the United Arab Emirates
    Salwa AlRemeithi, United Arab Emirates
  • P.283 How effective is combined spinal and epidural anaesthesia (CSEA) for kidney transplantation? Experience from a high-volume program in Nigeria
    Dr. Olalekan O Olatise, Nigeria
  • P.284 Native nephrectomy in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients for kidney transplantation: Do we really need it?
    Prof. Burak Kocak, Turkey
  • P.286 Non-oncological abdominal surgery not associated with transplantation in kidney transplant recipients: a single center experience
    Dr. Hamza Göktuğ Kıvratma, Turkey
  • P.289 Retrograde venous reperfusion of the kidney – An experimental study
    Dr. Yerlan Sultangereiyev, Kazakhstan
  • P.290 Rapid reduction of mycophenolate mofetil and calcineurin inhibitor dose for treating cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplant patients
    Dr. Kuo Jen Lin, Taiwan
  • P.291 Anterior crescentic incision approach in living donor nephrectomy: Analysis of 436 cases
    Dr. Adem Safak, Turkey
  • P.293 Vascular complexities in renal transplant. Our centre’s experience in 6947 cases
    Dr. Tarshid Ali Jahangir, India
  • P.294 Evaluation of the most common microorganisms causing surgical site infections after renal transplantation
    Prof. Daniela Kniepeiss, Austria
  • P.295 The impact of exercise habits on clinical infection outcomes after kidney transplantation
    Dr. Hiroki Kurata, Japan
  • P.298 Non-autogenous graft reconstruction in an external iliac artery dissection in a post-transplant recipient
    Dr. Joseph C. Laygo, Philippines
  • P.300 Paragonimiasis mimicking ureter stone in living kidney donor
    Prof. Young Joo Kwon, Korea
  • P.302 Results of a national panel survey of black Americans’ knowledge of and attitudes toward live donor kidney transplantation
    Dr. Heather M Gardiner, United States
  • P.303 An exploratory study of patient-provider communication during the medical evaluation for kidney transplantation
    Dr. Heather M Gardiner, United States
  • P.304 Hyporesponsiveness to erythropoiesis-stimulating agents in kidney transplant recipients with late post-transplant anemia
    Prof. Junji Uchida, Japan
  • P.305 Complement C5 inhibition with eculizumab/ravulizumab in kidney transplant patients – A single center experience
    Dr. Špela Borštnar, Slovenia
  • P.306 Are serum erythropoietin levels associated with eGFR in mexican kidney transplant recipients?
    Dr. Lucino Bahena Carrera, Mexico
  • P.308 Insulating effect of thermal barrier bag (OrganPocket ®) on second warm ischemic time during living renal transplantation: Comparison with direct cooling cases
    Dr. Yuichi Machida, Japan
  • P.310 Prevalence of erythrocytosis and associated clinical manifestations in renal transplant recipients
    Dr. Adil Manzoor Sr., Pakistan
  • P.312 Impact of delayed graft function on doppler ultrasound parameters in the early period after kidney transplantation
    Dr. Karmen Romozi, Slovenia
  • P.313 Females are underrepresented on dialysis and on the active list according to the analysis of National Waiting Transplant List
    Dr. Jacek Zawierucha, Poland
  • P.314 Tapering of immunosuppression in recipients with failed kidney transplant – retrospective cohort study
    Dr. Barbara Vajdic Trampuz, Slovenia
  • P.315 The role of comprehensive support in enhancing quality of life and participation after kidney transplantation
    Miss Aruzhan Baizhan, Kazakhstan
  • P.316 17beta-estradiol and methylprednisolone treatment during isolated kidney perfusion has beneficial effects in brain dead females but not in male rats
    Miss Marina Vidal dos Santos, Brazil
  • P.317 Enhancing Medication Adherence in Kidney Transplant Recipients: The impact of Quarterly Pharmacist Counseling
    Dr. Young Ju Oh, Korea
  • P.318 Clinical characteristics of lupus nephritis patients submitted to kidney transplantation in a single center
    Dr. Gisele Meinerz, Brazil
  • P.319 Immunosuppressive medication adherence´s association with microvascular inflammation in protocol biopsies in a kidney transplant Mexican population
    Dr. Lucino Bahena Carrera, Mexico
  • P.320 Nutrition Status Assessment of Long term followed-up in Patients with Renal Transplant Recipients in Taiwan
    Prof. I Hsin Lin, Taiwan
  • P.321 The Differences of Dietary Food and Nutrients Intake between obese and non-obese renal transplant recipients in Taiwan
    Mrs. Shih Wei Nien, Taiwan
  • P.322 Inflammatory bowel disease after kidney transplantation-Two case reports.
    Dr. Lan Inoki, Japan
  • P.323 Hyalinosis lesions in kidney protocol biopsies´s association with adherence to immunosuppressive medication measured using the BAASIS scale in a kidney transplant mexican population
    Dr. Lucino Bahena Carrera, Mexico
  • P.324 The first 63 global kidney exchange transplants: overcoming multiple barriers to transplantation
    Michael Rees, United States
  • P.325 Status of Kidney Transplantation in Bangladesh
    Shakib Uz Zaman Arefin, Bangladesh
  • P.326 Perspectives and experiences of women with a kidney transplant on access to healthcare – an international qualitative study.
    Maleeka Ladhani, Australia
  • P.327 Urinary Vitamin D Binding Protein (VDBP) as a Biomarker in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients with Lupus Nephritis and its Relation to Renal Activity
    Dr. Marwa Saleh, Egypt
  • P.328 Multiple renal veins in donor nephrectomy: Preoperative assessment of feasibility for safe and selective ligation
    Akshay Kriplani, India
  • P.330 Rapid reduction of mycophenolate mofetil and calcineurin inhibitor dose for treating BK polyomavirus virus infection in renal transplant patients
    Dr. Sy-Yuan Chen, Taiwan
  • P.331 Static cold storage using a novel kidney envelope for preservation of donor kidney
    Dr. Sy-Yuan Chen, Taiwan
  • P.332 Are renal cysts a barrier to donation for kidney transplantation?
    Dr. Emre Karakaya, Turkey
  • P.333 Interferon-gamma release test results in organ transplant recipients and donors at Başkent University Faculty of Medicine Hospital
    Dr. Sule Akcay, Turkey
  • P.334 Evaluation of anterior and posterior segment findings after cataract surgery in patients with a history of renal transplantation running title: cataract surgery after renal transplantation
    Dr. Umit Eksioglu, Turkey
  • P.335 Analysing 3534 kidney transplants: Are multiple vessels a barrier to kidney transplantation?
    Mr. Ozan Okyay, Turkey
  • P.336 Management of urologic complications after kidney transplants
    Dr. Emre Karakaya, Turkey
  • P.339 Retrospective analysis of nephrology care in the Republic of Azerbaijan: A single center experience
    Dr. Hikmet Ismayilov, Azerbaijan