Studio Session: Getting your manuscript published in Transplantation and Transplantation Direct: Tips and tricks from the editors
Tuesday September 24, 2024 from 15:40 to 17:00
Studio 1 - Yidiz 1
Authors usually have a guidelines to overall structure and content but what helps elevate the quality of the manuscript into one that editors/reviewers will rate well? Editors for transplantation focused journals will discuss this and provide the audience insight into what works and what doesn’t to improve their chances of publication.
  • Edward K. Geissler, Germany
  • Jennifer Li, Australia
  • ST19.1 Understand the key quality or features of any clinical or science research manuscript which editors are looking for
    Edward K. Geissler, Germany
  • ST19.2 Strategies to improve research manuscript quality
    Carla C. Baan, Netherlands
  • ST19.3 Challenges and opportunities of multilingual scholars’ language practices in academic publishing
    Prof. Nancy Kwan Man, Hong Kong