Satellite Symposium: IPTA: Challenges and Opportunities in Pediatric Transplantation - Part 2
Sunday September 22, 2024 from 10:30 to 12:30
  • Gabriel E. Gondolesi, Argentina
  • Katherine E. Twombley, United States
  • IPTA2.1 Neuropsychological testing in Transplantation
    Dr. Jenny Prüfe, Germany
  • IPTA2.2 The adult provider perspective - Optimising the post transplant trajectory
    Prof. Tarek Alhamad, United States
  • IPTA2.3 Novel surgical techniques for living donor liver transplantation
    Meltem Bingol Kologlu, Turkey
  • IPTA2.4 Preventing and recognizing kidney injury in non-kidney solid organ transplant recipients through the ages
    Lars Pape, Germany
  • IPTA2.5 Best of IPTA question bank
    Lars Pape, Germany
  • Katherine E. Twombley, United States