446.2 The impact of a continuous training program in deceased donation rates of different countries: Transplant procurement management (TPM) effect
Carmen Blanco, Spain
446.3 Reinvigorating Organ Transplantation in Libya: A Personal Journey Through Health Reform and Its Impact
Prof. Ehtuish Farag Ehtuish, Libya
446.4 Creating ethical dilemma teaching material on organ transplants for junior and high school education
Dr. Tomoko Asai, Japan
446.6 Enhancing knowledge and attitudes towards organ donation: A survey of the impact of educational Initiative among health care professionals in Sri Lankan
Dr. Chamila Ruwini Pilimatalawwe, Sri Lanka
446.8 Second life social campaign as a method for SOT donors pool increase – 16 years of experience in Poland
Dr. Jacek Zawierucha, Poland
446.10 Empowering transplant professionals: An innovative online training initiative from a developing country
Dr. Sunil Shroff, India
446.11 Implementing a robot-assisted kidney transplant program for transplant surgeons with no robotic surgery background: How are we doing so far?