Workshop: Teaching the transplant teachers
Monday September 23, 2024 from 13:40 to 15:10
Beylerbeyi 2
Transplant professionals and patients are increasingly expected to serve as educators or trainers, with educational responsibilites in a range of contexts from clinical practice, to public health promotion. While clinicians and patients often have expertise and experience required for teaching, they may lack training in the fundamentals of curriculum design, development and delivery, and have limited awareness of the benefits of tailoring educational approaches in different settings. Participants in this session will be introduced to the range of educational roles in transplantation and donation, the fundamentals of curriculum design, and the practicalities of "train-the-trainer" programs which are emerging as a valuable model for rapid translation of professional educational in response to education gaps. In the panel discussion, a range of practical questions will be explored with a focus on potential strategies for implementation in various settings, including the vital role of patients in professional education.
  • Medhat Askar, Qatar
  • Dr. Artem R. Monakhov, Russian Federation
  • 244.1 Who, or what, is a transplant educator?
    Dr. Ala Ali, Iraq
  • 244.2 Curriculum design for international courses
    Dr. Chloe Ballesté Delpierre, Spain
  • 244.3 How to set up a train the trainer program
    Shilpanjali Jesudason, Australia
  • Panel Discussion and Q&A
    Discussion Period, Turkey
  • 244.4 Panelist
    Mr. Bill Wang, Hong Kong
  • 244.5 Panelist
    Ms. Pisana Ferrari, Italy